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Amblyopia (Lazy Eye) – Amblyopia, also referred to as lazy eye, is a lack of normal visual development in an otherwise healthy eye. The condition affects ~3% of the population, and can cause a loss of vision if untreated. Amblyopia is most commonly caused by uncorrected refractive error (nearsighted, farsighted or astigmatism) or strabismus (eye-turn).

ARMD – Age related macular degeneration (ARMD) is a disorder of the macula resulting in central vision loss and/or distortion in patients 50 years and older.  ARMD presents in two forms: Dry ARMD and Wet ARMD.

The dry or non-exudative form results from deposits that form under the retina that cause damage to the retinal tissue. Preventing progression of more advanced forms of the disease is often supplemented with a specific combination of vitamins and antioxidants.

The wet or exudative form of ARMD is the more advanced form of the disease. This results with the development of new blood vessels under the retinal tissue, which often leak blood into the area. This leakage of blood can cause significant vision loss, and is often treated with ocular injections that prevent the growth and leakage of new blood vessels. 

Cataracts – Cataracts are a clouding or opacification of the lens in the eye causing a reduction in vision and glare/light sensitivity. Cataracts are most often a cause of the natural aging process of the lens, but can also be a result from other conditions (trauma, medication usage) or may also be present from birth (congenital cataracts). 

Diabetic Retinopathy – Diabetic retinopathy is caused by complications from diabetes resulting in damage to the retinal blood vessels. This damage can cause bleeding in the retina. In more advanced cases, new abnormal blood vessels may also form in various parts of the eye which may cause severe vision loss. 

Dry Eye – Dry eye syndrome is a result of insufficient lubrication to the ocular surface, typically causing symptoms such as stinging, burning or irritation. When tear production has decreased or tears evaporate too quickly, patients may become symptomatic for dry eye. Various treatments exist to treat the symptoms of dry eye syndrome, depending on the underlying cause of dry eye. 

Glaucoma – Glaucoma is used to describe a subset of ocular conditions ultimately resulting in damage to the optic nerve and peripheral vision loss. Damage to the optic nerve is typically caused by elevated pressure in the eye, although glaucoma may also develop in those with average eye pressures. 

Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis) – Pink eye or conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctiva (a membrane lining the eye and eyelids) as a result of an allergic, viral or bacterial response. Treatment typically involves eye drops to reduce the inflammation and/or infection if present.

Written by Total Vision

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